Frequently asked questions


Q. Can an institution apply more than once?

A. Institutions can only apply once per Prizes round, which open every two years. Institutions can apply for every round, regardless of whether they applied or won a Prize previously.

Institutions can apply with the same project in subsequent rounds; however, the application must show that the work has progressed significantly since the previous application.

Q. What format should the main narrative part of the application be?

A. The main narrative must be submitted as a PDF file and be no more than 10 pages in length. It is not necessary for the main narrative to be designed to publication quality, although some institutions may wish to do so. Applications are assessed on the content of the main narrative and the extent to which the main narrative meets the criteria of the Prizes.

You may include relevant pictures, illustrations, figures or tables but these will count towards the 10-page limit. Hyperlinks, links to videos or video content should not be included in the main narrative.

Q. How should I anonymise the main narrative? Is it ok to name departments or centres within the institution?

A. We ask that the main narrative does not name the applying institution, to support our Readers in judging applications independently and fairly. However, we are aware than in some instances it may be easy to identify institution from the main narrative, and we ask Readers (who assist the Trust in the assessment of applications) to declare this to ensure they have no conflicts of interest.

It is acceptable to name departments or centres within the host institution, as long as the applying institution is not named. Applicants’ main narrative should also feel free to name any collaborators, partners or relevant supporting organisations to their work.

Q. Are the criteria equally weighted? How should the main narrative be balanced across the four criteria?

A. The four criteria are equally weighted in the assessment of applications. They are:

  • Quality and excellence
  • Innovation and distinctiveness
  • Impact and benefit to the university of college
  • Impact and benefit to the wider world

The main narrative should provide evidence to support all four criteria.

Q. Can the main narrative include references?

A. Yes, references and testimonials are permitted as part of the main narrative. References which clarify external partnerships or collaborations central to the work are helpful to Readers. However, individual letters of reference should not be submitted as part of the application. These will be sought by the Trust as part of the assessment process, from those highlighted in the application as well as from additional national and international sources, as relevant.

Q. How many applications does the Trust receive per round?

A. The Trust usually receives over 100 entries and around 20 Prizes are awarded each round.

Q. Are there a set number of Prizes awarded in each subject category and for further and higher education?

A. Prizes are awarded based on the four criteria, and there are no set numbers of Prizes for specific categories or for higher and further education institutions. Subject categories in applications are used to support the matching of applications to relevant Readers.

Higher and further education institutions have equal opportunity to be awarded a Prize. There are no quotas for Prize-winners in particular subject areas, from particular kinds of institution or from particular regions or nations within the UK.

Q. Can applications be submitted that are part of a consortium, collaboration or partnership with another educational institution, industry partner or other organisation?

A. Applications for work undertaken in a consortium, partnership, or in association with another educational institution, industry partner or other organisation, such as Independent Research Organisations, are permitted. The eligible institution submitting the entry should be the lead institution in the work and will be the sole named winner, in the event of the award of a Prize.

Using the AwardForce application portal

Q. I’ve forgotten the password to my account.

A. You can quickly reset your password using the forgotten password link in Award Force. Use your email address to login.

If you have any problems changing your password please contact

Q. I already have an Award Force account, how can I submit an entry?

A. If you already have an Award Force account, please log in using your associated email and password. If you’ve forgotten your password, please use the “Forgot password” link on the login page.

Q. I’m having problems submitting my application in Award Force.

A. Firstly, please check that all required information has been added to the application before clicking submit. If you are still experiencing problems please contact