How to apply

The Prizes are open to universities and colleges across the UK; applications for the next round will open on 30th October 2024.


The Queen’s Anniversary Prizes are open to higher and further education qualification-awarding providers in the UK subject to external validation and assurance by the relevant recognised body.

For reference, the Trust refers to the following as quality assurance sources:

  • The Department for Education (including Office for Students registration)
  • The devolved administrations and where relevant, associated non-departmental public bodies (e.g. The Scottish Funding Council)

Further guidance on eligibility can be provided by the Trust on request. The final decision on eligibility to enter the Prizes scheme remains at the discretion of the Royal Anniversary Trust.

Entries can be in any subject, field or discipline and must meet each of the Prize scheme criteria:

  • Quality and excellence
  • Innovation and distinctiveness
  • Impact and benefit to the university or college
  • Impact and benefit to the wider world

Prizes are granted every two years by the Monarch on the advice of the Prime Minister following a rigorous, independent process of review managed by the Royal Anniversary Trust.


Universities and colleges apply using our simple online portal. You can start an entry, save your progress, and come back to it at any time. The link to the portal will be posted here on 30th October, 2024.

Timetable for entries

Below is the current Prizes timetable which shows the various stages of entry assessment:

30 October 2024 Round 16 opens for entries
28 March 2025 Closing date for entries
April 2025 All entries assessed by Readers
May to Sept 2025 Entries under consideration referred to UK governments, professional and specialist bodies and the Trust’s Higher and Further Education panels
September 2025 The Trust’s Awards Council reviews shortlist of entries and makes recommendations for the award of the Prizes
November 2025 Prize-winners announced at St James’s Palace
February 2026 Awards dinner at Guildhall, London and awards ceremony at Buckingham Palace

Further guidance & FAQs

Frequently asked questions about the entry and assessment process can be found here.